Thursday, 29 November 2018

Daylight in Architecture

Different spaces have different characteristics where it is related with the implementation of the daylight.But what is Daylight? By Daylight I mean the practice of placing windows,skylight and reflective surfaces so that sunlight directly or indirectly can provide effective internal lightning.We perceive such architectural spaces with the help of texture.Light helps us to understand the texture because light provide shadows and shadows makes visible the texture. Light have psychological effects on people .For example :Back in time light was used by the Nazis in various experiments by torturing people and consequently they lost their memory.Rasmussen has exemplified 3 main methods of using Daylight in architectural space like:
-The bright open hall- where the light comes from all the sides.In some cases this cause a lack of shadows.In the moment we have a lack of shadows we can not understand the details on texture.But this can be solved by locating the furniture in another way to create some shadows.
-The room with a skylight- when light comes from the top.Sometimes the skylight is not so good because the light is too much diffused to produce the shadows necessary to see forms and texture clearly and easily.
-The room with the light entering from the side- this light is the traditional that we are using.This light in large areas gives light somewhere in the middle and the spaces that are near to the wall are not well lead .We can not understand whats going on there.This kind of light gives us some borders inside the building it defines a space itself.Light is another medium to define space.After learning these kind of lights categorized by Rasmussen can we say that exist ‘an excellent light’?
The answer has been found in the saw-tooth roof ,high side lights which produce an excellent in all parts of the room. By ‘excellent light’ we dont mean only much light.Important is the quality of light and not quantity.When we have a high quality of light we can say that we have achieved the excellent light.

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