Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Color in Architecture

Color in it self has a strong impact on our perception of space,our comfort,mood and even on our appetite.For example In Fast Foods the colors are red,orange,yellow.There we eat fast because we dont feel comfortable.We get "angry" with the red.The red color increase our blood pressure.
Usage of colors in architecture has evolved over the years.The use of color with the type of architecture makes a built form way more influential.As said by Rassmusen :"Color in architecture is used to emphasize the character of a building,to accentuate its form and material and to elucidateits divisions."
Certain colors can make an object seem lighter,others heavier than it is.It can be made to appear large or small,near or distant.For exapmle:If a room is small,warm and dark colors might make it look smaller ,whereas cool and light colors might make it larger.
As we've learnt different colors have different psychological effects on us.
BLUE- transmitHcalm,positivity
GREEN-relieves pain
ORANGE-Improves mental clarity
WHITE- headache
Colors are also used in marketing.Like the color Blue in clothes gives confidence on people.There are also cultural influence on our experience of color.For exapmple in English if a person is said to be green, he is sick ,while in German means hopeful.Or bride dresses are white in Europe,US, while in China is red.
Color has been used in architecture since ancient times as Neolithis cave paitings.The difference between a paiting and  a architectural environment is when a paiting loses its color it is no longer a work of art while in architecture the art of building is concentrated with form,diving and articulaing space.Furthermore Man discovered how to make the materials more durable than they were from natures hand and new colors begun to appear Red yellow bricks,deep black wood.A wood material isn't  resistent of water so we mix plastic material with wood to create a composite material with wood material as we wanted.
Color may express the character of a building and the spirit it is meant to convey.Colors changes with the daylight.We see the colors differently in town with high humidity and in town with low humidity.Architecture should be real ,building materials were used to exploit their inheent color,the red of brick,the white of marble,grey of concrete.A good example is Mies van der Rohe's Barcelona Pavillon.
To sum up color is an important element in architecture,it is not only aesthetically but it also has a great psycho-sensory importance.We should use it carefully and wisely in our projects.